Recent news​
​Pilot's ideas take Flight!
Frank Fernandez May, 2012
Palm Coast man reflects on flying, planning air show
Bill Mills is flying toward the frothy blue and white line where the ocean meets the sand in Flagler Beach. He is aiming his Chinese war plane at a spot off the Flagler Beach pier. Mills comes in high but when his plane crosses over the water he dives down low, heading toward the waves. Mills seems to pilot the aircraft so close to the ocean that you'd think the plane's propeller would slice any leaping mullet into instant sushi.

BSY to unveil Roman 86!
​Kimberly September 2012
Mills Aviation Charities (MAC) obtains L-39; pilots of BSY to show off on airshow circuit in 2013! BSY and MAC are working with Painter Tony to de-civilianize the L-39 that was acquired by MAC in April. In keeping with the Navy legacy of BSY; the aircraft will have the VFA 106 "Gladiators" Marking and the call sign of "Roman 86". To stay true to the heritage of the aircraft the Russian star will be highlighted on the tail and wings of the aircraft.